Number 1 Surf Trip for 2019And the winner is...

Max Hepworth-Povey

5 years ago in Surf

So we’ve just had an important afternoon coffee and cake discussion of which Ticket to Ride Trip has got us most excited this year.

Whilst the Sri Lanka tours are sizzling and South Africa’s smoking, Indo’s on fire and the Philippines is flaming hot, Mozam’s making heat waves and the warm welcomes in Spain are hard to beat, it’s the Banyak Islands Boat Trip which has us most fired up.

The main reason being is the remoteness of the 99 islands is off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia of which only 7 are inhabited.

Meaning the amount of surf spots really is a mystery and many spots remain nameless.

The waves march to the islands immaculately groomed with relentless frequency accompanied by light or non existent wind, which shapes the waves into something one can only dream of.

The boat will take us straight to the line up and it will be there when we’re done. No arm-achingly long paddles, but our legs will be burning from the amount of waves ridden.

I hope you’re ready.